Center on humans
I hate the word users. To me, it feels derogatory and in some contexts triggering the idea of us product people creating addictive solutions for faceless users. I gravitate towards people and fellow humans.
Only play in one band at a time
I recently completed Storyteller, an autobiography by Dave Grohl, legendary Nirvana drummer, founder of Foo fighters, and Them Crooked Vultures.
One of the stories centers on his health risk associated with the time when he was trying to divide his attention between Foo fighters and his new band Them Crooked Vultures. I connected deeply with that chapter as he also had a young child and that further impacted his sleep. His schedule was mainly preoccupied with drinking gallons of coffee while sprinting between responsibilities.
Last night a spark went off in my head and this post got drafted.

Shop local
These are my last days in Skive Denmark after living here for four months. It has been an experience where for the second time in my life I pack a few things and relocate to a new place to live for an extended period of time.

Empower teams
I'm a maker at heart. I love pushing things online to gauge the reaction and response it generates. Ideally making a positive impact on some people's lives along the way.
But I'm also a shaper. When conditions are not ideal for making, we product managers sometimes need to pick up the broom and shape our organization to become more human-centric and product-driven. I (and a lot of people more clever than me) believe that the solution to life, the universe, and everything are empowered teams founded on a few fundamental pillars.

Buy less stuff
My jacket is broken. The side pocket seams are torn and it's only a year old. Nothing too serious, completely fixable. It is going to last me at least 10 years, so I need to find a tailor.
This was my random thought this morning so let's roll with it in our ongoing series of life hacks.

No cookies?
I don't know if you noticed, but there was no cookie popup on here.
When re-launching my site, I was inspired by this whole retro digital garden movement that is literally going back to the roots. Publishing more content without overthinking it.

Habit forming starter kit
I'm fascinated by people and should perhaps consider a second degree in psychology. For the last decade or so, I've immersed myself in the literature on behavior and habits. Both from a personal and product management perspective.
On Motivation
We all go through motivational highs and lows. I had identified this trait in myself and how I’m different from most people with regards to my highs and lows. I love to fully immerse myself in new projects, habits, and traits. Especially if I’m starting a new thing at a time when I’m well-rested and my living conditions have changed in some way. I recently moved to a new country with the family as my girlfriend is on an exchange study at a Danish school. I also took the remaining 6 weeks of paternity leave to arrange this move and spend some quality time with my son before his two-year birthday (and expiry of my parental leave).
Now I’ve been back at work for two weeks. Continuing to work fully remote, but I have a new role that I’m shaping plus a vision to define and communicate.

Here we go again
I recently worked up the appetite to start blogging again. I’m at a place in my life where a lot of things have changed and in the past, it just helped me to stay on an even keel by writing through it. I used to write much more. I did so on home-built CMS systems and blog platforms that have since been archived in the digital landfill of wiped hard drives.